Tuesday, June 8, 2010

RAAM Race Gear Review


The last "real" supper for at least "9" days!
Sent from my BlackBerry Smartphone provided by Alltel

Album #1 - One Day Till RAAM (Click on photo)

Vehicle inspection

We just went through the vehicle/bike inspections with no problems.


Kevin and Dex Tooke

Dex is doing RAAM solo over 60.


Terry Lansdell

After the rider's meeting last night David Bundrick met a person that recognized him from a past event. Gator also knew him from the Shenandoah last year, and they started talking about the misfortune they had earlier in the day. They were driving down the interstate towards Oceanside when their roof rack fell off the car and into oncoming traffic. Fortunately, everyone involved is just fine, but a car ran over his bikes. The two bikes were destroyed and the following car took significant damage as well.

The rider was Terry Lansdell from North Carolina. He's a 3 time RAAM finisher, and to change things up he's riding RAW on a fixed gear. If he succeeds it should be the longest fixed gear time trial ridden in the USA. Anyhow, through luck his crew member started talking with us, and we just happen to have a MASI dealer on board - Phil Cohen. Phil was heading down to the Haro headquarters today anyhow (10 miles away), so it looks very likely that he'll be able to save Terry's race.